NASA Baton W88

Powder waterproofing admixture, single component

Product Description

NASA Baton W88 is powder waterproofing admixture formulated from selected organic salts specially designed to reduce the permeability in all cement based mortars, Screeds and concrete. NASA Baton W88 blocks the natural pores in the mix and imparts the hydrophobic properties which reduce moisture permeability.
NASA Baton W88 is a waterproofing admixture for use in all cement based mortars, screeds and concrete.
NASA Baton W88 can be used with all types of Portland cement and cement replacement materials. NASA Baton W88 is compatible with other NASA admixtures used in the same concrete mix. If more than one type of admixture is to be used in concrete mix, they must be dispensed to the concrete separately.

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